Software, Database and Web Application Architect
Software, Database and Web Architect
Developing database-backed, web-based software for over 20 years
Reverse engineered currently implemented translation system
Worked with React front-end team to add translated string parameters to components
Documented and shared discoveries with in-house development team
Contributed to code for video streaming via AWS IVS streaming service
Contributed code for live chat client utilizing react and AWS Chime SDK
Contributed code in an agile environment to their existing WAN app for datacenter hardware management. Custom PHP MVC architecture. Database migration scripting.
Fresh install, setup and config of Magento 2 CE on an AWS EC2 Ubuntu Linux Apache VirtualHost. Paypal payment gateway integration. Training and support.
Volunteer my time and knowledge to help with AWS management. EC2, Route53, IVS, Chime, WorkMail, SES, S3, Linux Server Management, Apache, MySQL Server
Designed and Developed Applications and protocols for an IOT device that could "Cloud-Enable" any generic 3d Printer. Automated device network setup process. Websocket bi-directional communication. PHP, Python, Node, DNS Masq, HAProxy, RabbitMQ
IOT device with embedded cellular modem built for the hospitality industry. Usage data collection can be sent via hotel wifi or built in cellular modem. Custom data protocal to minimize data usage. Database and data repoorting manageent system. Integration with major hotel manegement platforms for adding room charges according to usage deals information downloaded from database server during device configuration.
As a father-son project, built a small internet dial-up service for our local lake community that grow into a full-service dial-up and hosting company and even provided broadband to customers in the office building it eventually grew into.
Conception, planning, reporting and team management
Creation, migration and optimization of relational database systems and noSql data structures
Database programming concepts and skills
Application development combining just about any datasource in most modern PHP frameworks as well as integration with third-party APIs
End-to-End E-commerce solutions and integration with existing systems
Application and system management for cloud-based development and deployment using amazon web services (AWS Cloud Services) and more
Most of the new ones run linux. This opens a fun new world. Even the ones that don't can still communicate with the internet in a plethora of ways.
James was instrumental in guiding us at Learn Ubuntu Org in transitioning from physical servers for our internet presence to the Cloud. Using AWS Virtual Servers and Serverless Systems resulted in a huge operational cost savings.
$The E-Commerce site that James set up is so easy to use and manage.
$$Techno-Wizardry! (Is that a word? It should be.) James can make anything you want happen right in front of your eyes. He's worth every penny!
$$$Fulton Fish Market
Bee Natural Acres
Serverless streaming and chat
U.S. Electriclical Supply Inc
PHP Integration Expert